Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sick monkey

SO... Mom got a call from my teacher today...
My teacher informed her that my nose was bleeding AGAIN and that they were having trouble making it stop.
She also informed mom that I laid down which is weird to start out with and when they went to get me up my hands and feet were VERY VERY cold, my lips were also blue.
Mom called Grandpa and Dad. Grandpa rushed me toward the hospital near where Mom works and Dad met up with us part way.
The doctors dont know why I look marbled and have extremely cold hands and feet, they dont know why I am not myself, they don't know why I just dont feel good.
They gave mom and dad a choice in keeping me over night at the hospital to watch me or take me home. Mom and dad decided I would be happier at home being watched very very closely.
so are you saying is you don't want to play?
I am sorry sis, I just dont feel well enough!
It is a lot of work to just breath right now.
With all of this congesting that is extremely difficult at this moment.
If I have any little problems I will be returned to the ER and will be staying at the hospital for a bit.


  1. So sorry, I'm praying that you get better Gabriel! I know your mommy must be very, very worried.

  2. Yea, That is not the same little monkey that I know. Get better so you can go back to beating on your little sister. That was my favorite pasttime! grampsH (of course, Gabriel, your Mommy NEVER picked fights with Uncle Nick..."What goes around, comes around".
