Thursday, August 25, 2011

clean up time

OOOOoooo look at this, another birthday gift!
It's for me!
It is from Michigan Ian.
His daddy is in the military!
How cool is that Sis?!?
Speaking of cool, check this out!!!
OOOOOOoooo fun
 What does this do?
It makes lots and lots of noise!
we love it!
Clean up time!
Now we get to play!
Gabriel had feeding therapy today. He has been under the supervision of the therapist, doctors and nurses during this period of time. Therapy has been working great as you have seen through the blog. Gabriel is finally touching food and bringing his fingers to his mouth. These are huge steps. For steps forward there are always steps backward. We hit a large step backward. Gabriel has lost one pound in one week. He was already going down in weight one ounce at a time and now there is a huge drop.
We are pretty sure why the drop happened. The small drops are happening because more than likely Gabriel is growing and more than likely needs to be taking in more calories than he is. The huge drop is because his schedule is changing and the one thing he always has control over is his food intake. Gabriel ate 8oz of 50/50 milk/PediaSure on Tuesday all day at daycare and 6oz if 50/50 mixture Wednesday. I tried to make up the calories at home in the evening but was not able to. Thank goodness Daycare keeps track of Gabriel's intake for me so that I know exactly how much he is taking in during the day.
To start out we are going to ditch the milk unless he finishes his required amount of PediaSure and is still hungry. We are upping his intake from 2.5 bottles of PediaSure a day to 4 bottles. We will continue to offer food before each feeding. Hopefully this will help get Gabriel back on track.
One thing at a time! :) Yuppers, that is a picture of Gabriel eating Quality Dairy chip dip for snack!!!

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