Thursday, January 19, 2012

intensive feeding day 21

8:45am-9:30am - Meal 1

Well, meal one was a little rough.  I was a stinker about getting my teeth brushed again but I tried very hard to eat my food like I was told.  I just couldn't handle the texture of my chicken potpie and it got stuck in my mouth causing me to throw up all over the place.  It was not my best moment.  I am so glad mom was the one feeding so that there aren't pictures of this.  I am sure she would take pictures and post them for everyone to see.  How awful is that!  
 9:45pm-10:15pm - "food works" learning how to prepare food for Gabriel
Mom says she is excited to try my new gritty and chopped foods out at home.  I am just excited to eat, what were these people thinking, trying to feed me wrong all of this time.  I have always wanted to try foods and just haven't been able to!
11:45am-12:30pm - Meal 2

I tried all kinds of new food.  This meal I tried gritty spaghetti-O's.  MMMmmm, I do love me some tomato sauce!
Beep Beep, coming through!
Boy this place gets smaller and smaller each day!
12:00pm-2:00pm - Nap time

Always nap time.  
It is a good thing I talked mom into letting me wear my glove to sleep!
2:45pm-3:30pm - Meal 3

Ms. Emily, I do everything you ask, including eating chopped spaghetti-o's.

Won't you please call me. 
3:45pm - head home

Bro-ther, what did mom make you for dinner
Mac and cheese with a side of apple sauce, what about you?
The same thing... WOW, that's a first!
Mom's notes - Today was very hectic at feeding therapy. Gabriel had a rough moment during his first feed of the day but was able to recover nicely. I was so excited tonight when I was able to feed the kids the same thing. The only difference was that Gabriel had pureed mac and cheese and Bells did not. So exciting!

1 comment:

  1. Except for 8 hrs at Feeding Therapy-almost a "normal" family! Sweet!

    Gabriel will love the routine...and eating w Big Sissy is a bonus. What a big boy! grampsH
