Today started out just like any other Sunday. Around noon when I went to put Gabriel down for his nap he had a complete break down. After calming him down we realized he was running a fever. His fever got up to 102.3 today. Gabriel is not good about taking medication so it has been a struggle to get mediation down him to help with his fever. I am not really sure what is wrong with him. I wish he could talk to tell me where it hurts. He has only had 24oz to drink today, 12 of pediasure and 12 of milk. Currently his temperature is down to 101.4.
About two hours ago, Gabriel started throwing up what little he has eaten today.
Even sick Gabriel still tries to make the most out of the situation...
I don't feel so good mommy.

My tummy hurts mommy.

Can you just make it go away?

Mommy I love you, even if I covered my clothes and yours in nasty! (We might want to think about a hair cut when I am feeling better mommy!)

It's been a long day!
Poor guy!! We need summer! That will help. In the meantime, I hope he drinks, eats and sleeps well.