I had enough, I snapped, I broke, I went nuts, I could not stand it any more, I hit the end of my rope! I cut Gabriel's hair! Gabriel HATES to have his hair cut so it is quite an event of tears and screaming, on his part, to cut his hair. Of course, I couldn't decide to cut his hair at a good point in time, what fun is that. I had to do it right this second and this second happened to fall when my wonderful and sick husband was trying to sleep for work tonight. Of course the ruckus woke him up, sorry babe but it HAD to be done NOW.
Sick, did I say sick. Why yes, I did say sick. Gabriel is still coughing and has a nose that just wont stop running. Isabella has the same thing and no voice left from coughing so much. Gabe has the same thing as the kiddo's. I appear to be the only one not effected by this sickness. I am guessing I more than likely brought it home from the kids at work. I have been teaching long enough I did not get sick, time will tell if my theory works.

We are to get quite the storm tonight. The kids love watching for storms!
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