and this one here...

everything is together

Now a little fence

What am I doing mom? Nothing, just sitting here looking cute!

I HAVE to get to those toys, they are the three best toys in the house!!!

I'm not trying to get to your toys Brother, I am just reaching back here to see if I have any goldfish crackers hidden back here.

Ouch, you bit me! Why did you bite me?

Get the camera out of my face, can't you see, HE BIT ME!

See, you thought I was being full of drama and he really bit me this time!

Mom, you can't put me in time out! I will have fun no matter where you put me!

I'm okay now mom, you can let him out!

Who me, I wasn't stripping.

So as I have said many times, we never have a dull moment here at the Purdy house. We have not had biting in a while. I hope it goes away VERY fast this time too!
We have had a rough day today. Isabella is teething and letting the world know. Gabriel is constipated so badly he cant get comfortable. Hopefully things are a little calmer soon :)
I hope too. My Nolan, who is about Gabriel's age, has his moments of bitting and hair pulling. Moments are nothing compared to a year ago though. He was the kid others would cry when they saw him coming :( It is hard for us parents to have to deal with that stuff.