Sunday, November 14, 2010

sea of puke

Well, our house is a sea of puke.  No matter how much I clean up, it seems that Gabriel is able to produce more.  He threw up a couple times last night.

This morning Gabriel seemed to be okay.  He was in much better spirits than he had been on Saturday.  We fed him Pedialyte which took forever to get down because he does not like it.  After keeping it down for four hours we introduced a little Pediasure back into his diet.  He kept all the food down for 12 hours before exploding.  He puked and puked and puked some more.

Finally Gabe and I decided to take him into the hospital to make sure he was not getting dehydrated and that there isn't something more going on.  Gabe got to play catcher in the car when poor Gabriel threw up.  Gabe did a pretty good job.  Only a little vomit got onto Gabriel and his car seat!  

Gabriel showed everyone how awful he felt by puking in the common area at the hospital and when we thought he had nothing left he even managed to get his room and mommy. 

The outcome of the hospital visit.  It is believed Gabriel has a virus that should work itself out in the next few days.  He got some fluids and some nausea medication to help him on his way to recovery.  They offered to let us stay the night to monitor Gabriel.  We declined because there isn't much they can do at the hospital that we cant do at home at this point.  We are hoping for lots of fluid and no vomit tomorrow!


Yes, the hospital is cold but Gabriel REFUSED to wear the hospital gown.


  1. poor little guy....but he is SOOOOOO adorable (even sick!)....praying for healing, rest and containment (that it won't SPREAD)! huge hugs!

  2. poor little pumpkin...I hate the foot IV!
