Thursday, November 18, 2010

better signs

Gabriel slept off and on until almost 11am today.  He still had diarrhea all night and all day today just not as aggressive as it had been.  When Gabriel finally got up he was much closer to being himself!

This evening I went ahead and let him have 4 oz of pediasure because he was doing so well.  It was not down very long before it made an appearance on the kitchen floor.  I waited several more hours and let him only have 2 oz and the pediasure made its appearance on the living room floor this time.  So we are on a pedialyte diet still.  I am just hoping all of this doesn't set his feeding problems that much farther back.

Gabriel cried for a hour and a half straight tonight after vomiting before he finally fell asleep for the night.

Here are some pictures of happy Gabriel today.
Gabriel wont eat anything but he will lick the nasty bottom of his shoe... EW GROSS! 
Isabella was in a nutty mood today so we dressed her the part.  One of my good friends picked this up on the 90% off rack at Toys R Us after Halloween.  

1 comment:

  1. hmmm...kind of ironic isnt it? a devilish angel!
    She sure is fulfilling the role. grampa h
