Monday, March 15, 2010


Gabriel has been working on kisses!
Gabriel has a new love for bath time (his favorite time of the day), he found BUBBLES!!!

Note- Due to issues with ignorant people using photo's from others blogs to make fun of children with special needs I am going to have to make our blog private. It upsets me greatly to see this happen to others I know, I can't imagine it happening to my own family. I will keep our blog up for the next week while I compile email addresses. If you would like to continue to follow our blog please email me at with your email address. It is so sad that I have to do this because of a few ignorant people! If only they could meet these children they are making fun of. Then they would understand that what they are doing is wrong on so many levels. Thank you for checking out our blog and following along with our daily life.

1 comment:

  1. Your children are beautiful gifts to you and to the world. Every human being has a special role to play in the space and time that he/she lives. Nothing in this world will ever be said or done that doesn't have significant impact on the future of the world. Our special needs children are not mistakes ... (My best friend has a child who is recovering from severe brain damage ... he looks and behaves in extreme ways that make some people either ridicule him out of stupidity or look away in disgust. All people are equally important; we ALL have much to teach and much to learn. It is up to all of us to raise to higher levels of love and understanding in this world (and let it begin with me. Perhaps it will spread from what I say and what pictures I post for the world to contemplate.) Mother Theresa is no more important than your children or the children who she served; she struggled and found a great way to serve many children; you and your children may be serving many people simply by helping one or two viewers who are touched by sharing your philosophy, your "highest calling" and your pride and joy on your blog. One never knows what good comes out of any innocent effort. Yes, there is truth in the ironic old saying that "no good deed shall go unpunished" but the bright side is that the good that comes out of good deeds are far greater than the punishments if we but could see and feel the good that comes from sharing good things with the world. I would dare to say here : Don't hide children because of "stranger-danger" out of fear of the out-side chance that someone might take the photos and make fun of the child. Instead publish low resolution small photos of whatever you like and put a lock on so they can't be "saved-as" or "copy" when someone "right-clicks" on them. I don't know how to do that, but we all should learn that trick before we publish our photos.

    My prayer is that all of us find ways to push through our "limitations" and a great way to serve the cause.

    Sorry if this sounds like a sermon or a rant! It's just that your blog touched me deeply and I wasn't too busy to write my thoughts......

    Blessings and respect, Nuri
