Thursday, May 14, 2009


We had a cardiology appointment today. It was at 11 so I was unable to attend which drives me nuts but Gabe and Dr. Florentine were VERY good about writing me notes.

1. Gabriel is officially over 12lbs. The official weight is 13lbs and 2oz!

2. Everything is looking good!

3. Gabriel gets to stop taking Duiril as of today at 6pm!

4. In two weeks we will begin to decrease his intake of aldactone. He will be off of the aldactone a week later.

5. Our next appointment is not for another 4 months! They do want an update phone call once a month.


  1. Glad to hear it all went well! We actually had a cardio checkup today and had a good report too!

  2. Holy moly what a chubbo!!! Glad to hear it!!!

  3. So happy Gabe is doing so well!!

  4. Such great news...just what we have been praying for.

  5. I love it when the cardiologist says we don't have to come back for some wonderfully long amount of time. (Much as we love our cardiologist!)
