Thursday, April 17, 2014

S'more IEP information.

I love this weather.
I love s'moring!
Where is your jacket, Sis?
Who needs a jacket when you have s'mores?
Ooo look Gabers and Phia, flowers!
Sis, Phia is going to eat your s'mores.
So sticky, so messy, so yummy!
Come here Phia, I'm going to kick you in the bum.
Dad, Isabella is going up get me.
I was just playing dad.
You're s'mores were do good Isabella.
Mom's notes-
We had Gabriel's 3 year re-evaluation and IEP yesterday. The psychologist, speech therapist, occupational therapist and physical therapist all re-evaluated and found that Gabriel still qualifies in each area.
 Gabriel tested low on his psychological evaluation. There are many reasons for this low testing.
1. Gabriel has Down syndrome which we all know means that he will have a cognitive impairment of some sort.
2. Gabriel is non-verbal which means that he has a difficult time expressing himself to answer the questions.
3. Many items in the test Gabriel may be familiar with but they ask questions in a specific manner and expect very specific responses.
It was a general belief in the group that in three years the results will be very different as his language skills mature.
Gabriel tested low in speech and language, again due the reasons stated above. However he is putting more and more words together. He is busting out with new statements all of the time. He has started saying four word sentences once in a while. This is HUGE! We are putting grunts and pointing behind us.
Physical therapy is going pretty good. Gabriel is getting stronger and stronger each day. His cankle support is really doing it's job and giving him confidence. Gabriel is showing that he really likes to play sports with his friends.
Occupational therapy is Gabriel's strongest area. Typically Physical therapy is the strongest with boys but our little man wants to know how things work, how things are put together, how to work with his hands.
Gabriel has a GREAT team at school. We all know Gabriel is extremely headstrong but we have figured out how to work with him to watch him bloom. He is 'becoming quite the little student'. Those are words that make us proud.
Gabriel does very well in structured and unstructured time in General education. Some students have a difficult time with the classwork in the young 5's classroom. Because Gabriel is able to go in and get straight to work he gets to spend more time in the general education than some of the other students. Knowing that Gabriel feeds off those around him, this does not surprise me.
We are very happy with Gabriel's progress. We know he will continue to progress in amazing ways!

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