Wednesday, April 16, 2014

IEP season

My 3 year re-evaluation and IEP went very well...
It take a lot out of you being so charming!
Where am I, Phia?
Dang you found me.
Okay, I am going to get out...
Where am I, Phia?
All right I'm really getting out this time.
Ooo, I have an even better idea.
Are you ready Phia?
Where's Phia?
I would like a new family please!
Mom's notes- 
Gabriel's 3 year re-evaluation went really well. I will talk more about in tomorrow.
We are thinking Sophia might have a milk allergy. This may answer why she doesn't sleep very well and why she gets sick so easy. We are going to cut it out if her diet and see where it gets us. The worst that could happen is that we don't find our answer.
Poor baby!

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