Monday, August 4, 2014


Look at what I found, Gabriel.
Give me that Phia.
Check me out, I'm a robot!
Hello Robot Gabriel.
This is the coolest robot mask ever!
Can you find the robot?
Here I am!!!
Mom's notes-
After months if trying to get that dang mask on this kids face it took plain old jealousy. We had to return the actual CPAP machine because he wouldn't use it. If we can get him in the habit of wearing the Robot mask we might be on a roll! He wore the dang mask for almost two hours... seriously kid after all the headaches...
Isabella got some my little pony temporary tattoos... "I want a cutie mark ON my cutie mark"
I made the mistake of running out to my car quickly after telling Gabriel he could not hit his sister on the head and the following occurred...(Gabriel still believes if he can't see you, you can't see him)

Isabella got to hangout with a lot of animals last week... maybe too many. (chicken)

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