Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Berry busy day

We had a berry busy day didn't we brother? 
Yes we did Sis!
Even Phia had a busy day Gabers!
I can do better Sis, Great-Grandma had a busy day playing with Sis.
And walking with us Gabers.
Ooo and playing with spiders Sis!
Daddy had a busy day too Gabers.
He sure did, Sis.
We all had a berry busy day, Gabers.
Mom notes- Gabriel is pointing at a bug.... Technical issues, will fix them ASAP!! I have been trying to get this working for hours now. Grr!

1 comment:

  1. Gabers does like his bugs-and GreatGram's has LOTS of sand spiders for his amusement. Some are HUGE which he likes even more!
    Can't wait to see all 3 of my little buddies this afternoon! grampsH
