Monday, February 22, 2010

goose eggs

What a few days it has been! We have been trying to get use to this whole family of four thing.

After the first two nights home with no sleep Gabe and I got rest last night. We even managed to have both kids sleeping when dinner was done so we got to eat together, just the two of us.

Gabriel loves his little sister. Isabella HATES to have her diaper changed. Today, I was changing her and she was screaming, when Gabriel came over and hovered over her. Not sure what he was going to do, I went to move him so that he was farther away. Much to my surprise he began giving her kisses on her cheek and her forehead. I wish I had a camera at the time. Gabriel also tried to feed Isabella his chocolate milk bottle.

Mimi and Papa offered to watch Gabriel today while we took Isabella to her first doctor appointment. When I went to pick Gabriel up he had quite a goose egg on his head. I am sure he gave poor Mimi and Papa heart attacks when he fell today. Gabriel has been feeling stronger and stronger with his walking. He will now stand up randomly in the middle of a room and start to walk. I guess he got up and decided he wanted to be closer to Mimi and Papa's television. He took seven steps to the television before miss-judging where the stand was and falling and hitting the corner of his left eye on the corner of the stand. Papa said he cried until Papa picked him up then he was over it. What a champ!

Here are a couple pictures of Gabriel's first goose egg. (The pictures aren't very good because my little cheese man wouldn't hold still long enough for me to get a good picture.)



  1. Too little sweeties!! Gabriel doesn't look to upset about the goose egg.

  2. Aww so adorable! I guess we both just had babies:) I didn't even realize you had had your daughter! I must go back and read some more posts!

  3. Poor Gabe! There are many more falls to come, especially with boys (i've been told...).
    I am glad you are all home and things are going well!
