Monday, December 27, 2010

Surgery 3

When we got back to Gabriel we could see why the anesthesiologist said he would look like a pin cushion.  Gabriel has over 15 sticks between his arms, hands, legs and feet.   He has some blood residue in his left nostril (where they inserted the stuff to take out his adenoids) and bloody ears (from the tubes).  When we got to Gabriel he was pretty restless and upset. We found out that at some point in everything Gabriel's heart rate dropped down to the "60's somewhere") so he is being monitored rather closely.  The nurse was more interested in getting him transferred to the floor instead of taking care of him. 
Gabriel was fussing so badly we decided to feed him some thickened pediasure.  We know he wont drink water or anything besides pediasure so knowing it could upset his stomach we went for it anyway to see if it helped him.  Sure enough he LOVED getting some pediasure, it was the only time he quit crying.  He also quit breathing while drinking.  So of course his O2 stats went crazy every time he was drinking.  Gabe had to keep taking the bottle away from him to try to keep the stats even enough to keep all of the nurses from coming running.
We finally got transferred to Gabriel's room.  Gabriel's nurse here quickly realized he was in pain and gave him some morphine.  Gabriel has made sounds and faces like he is going to throw up but has kept his pediasure down so far!  Gabriel is resting comfortably now.  I will update when he is up again.

Gabriel eating, finally not crying!
Gabriel resting comfortably after getting some pain meds.

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