Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 year in review

(Isabella born)
(Shoulder surgery for Gabe)
(eye surgery for Gabriel)
(Happy 2nd Birthday Gabriel) 
(2010 Buddy Walk - 3rd Annual)
(Tonsil and Adenoid removal and ear tube insertion surgery for Gabriel)
Happy New Year Everyone!
Gabriel and Isabella

My new year resolution for 2011 is to do 360 blog posts... Wish me luck!  I hope everyone has enjoyed watching our family grow in 2010! ~Erin
Booga, where did 2010 go? "I don't know dadada!"

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thank you

Thank you everyone who is keeping Gabriel in their thoughts and/or prayers.  We received an amazing reminder that more people than we know are checking in on him.  The Down Syndrome Association of West Michigan sent Gabriel an amazing get well bear and balloon.  I wish everyone could have seen his eyes light up!
Gabriel over all is feeling better.  We know when it is time to give him some pain medication.  Other than that he had a pretty good day.  He was super excited to see his little sister.  They exchanged hugs and kisses as soon as they saw each other.  We missed our little firecracker! 

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

It will get better

My poor little monkey could not get comfortable today.  He did not want to be held and he did not want to be put down.  He may not be feeling well but we are all happy to be home where he can run around and play with his toys.
Grandma was going to bring Bells up today but I called her and asked if she would let Bells stay with her one more night.  We miss Isabella greatly but know that Gabriel will try to do too much if she is home and will end up hurting more.  We can't wait to see Isabella tomorrow!!!
A nice warm bath worked wonders for Gabriel.  I held him down and gave him his medication before his bath.  He was all worked up and I wasn't sure if he would be able to enjoy his bath...
After his bath Gabriel was a bit more mellow.  He stayed awake another half hour and then crashed on my lap.  I know he will be up through the night, who needs sleep anyway?
Gabriel is looking more and more like a little man each day. His new haircut helps! (daddy saw the hair bow pic from Christmas day and finally decided a haircut needed to happen.)
I held our Gerber party over a month ago and wanted to share the grab bag each guest got thanks to Gerber.  I completely forgot to post this picture when we had the party.
My little man who hates to sleep with blankets loves his blanket from the hospital. Sleep well monkey!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

finally resting

Gabriel is finally sleeping.  He is still crying a bit in his sleep but at least he is asleep.  He cried most of the day.  He had a pretty uncomfortable day but he is happy to be at home and not stuck in a crib with things hooked to him all day.
Gabe got the kids cold.  He slept almost all day once we got home.
Thank goodness Grandma and Grandpa have Isabella until tomorrow.  I need a few moment of peace tonight after no sleep the last few nights and the crazy days lately.
Sleep my strong little man!

Where is Gabriel

We brought tears home with us, trying to find Gabriel though them.  We are so happy to be home but we are hoping to find some comfort for Gabriel SOON.  Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers!
I did manage to get a small smile out of him (it must be the PJ's).

Breaking out

Gabriel surprised us last night.  He slept through the night and seems to be in minimal pain this morning.  His parents however crammed onto a little bitty pull out chair that was met for one person and got very little sleep.  It is all worth it because we are getting out of here as soon as the paperwork is complete!  Can't wait to be at home!  Way to go Gabriel!  We were worried we would be here a while, just over night is amazing!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Surgery 5

pain management....That is the plan for the moment!
Gabriel is drinking his bottle so our plan is pain management!
If he is able to manage the pain with Tylenol then we will get to go home tomorrow. If he continues to need morphine then our stay will be extended.
Gabriel sleeping under the blanket that was made and donated for a patient. It is a lovely blanket!
Chilling watching a Elmo. You can see his IV line in his neck.
My little man is so strong!

Surgery 4

Gabe is napping, Gabriel is awake.  He kept all 8 oz of pediasure down and just ate 4oz milk mixed with 4oz pediasure.  Gabriel has yet to sit up but he is laying down watching some Elmo right now.  We even got a half smile out of him, granted he is feeling very well at this moment but a half smile is MUCH better than nothing!  I am hoping our little man goes back to sleep for a little bit and wakes up a little happier!

Surgery 3

When we got back to Gabriel we could see why the anesthesiologist said he would look like a pin cushion.  Gabriel has over 15 sticks between his arms, hands, legs and feet.   He has some blood residue in his left nostril (where they inserted the stuff to take out his adenoids) and bloody ears (from the tubes).  When we got to Gabriel he was pretty restless and upset. We found out that at some point in everything Gabriel's heart rate dropped down to the "60's somewhere") so he is being monitored rather closely.  The nurse was more interested in getting him transferred to the floor instead of taking care of him. 
Gabriel was fussing so badly we decided to feed him some thickened pediasure.  We know he wont drink water or anything besides pediasure so knowing it could upset his stomach we went for it anyway to see if it helped him.  Sure enough he LOVED getting some pediasure, it was the only time he quit crying.  He also quit breathing while drinking.  So of course his O2 stats went crazy every time he was drinking.  Gabe had to keep taking the bottle away from him to try to keep the stats even enough to keep all of the nurses from coming running.
We finally got transferred to Gabriel's room.  Gabriel's nurse here quickly realized he was in pain and gave him some morphine.  Gabriel has made sounds and faces like he is going to throw up but has kept his pediasure down so far!  Gabriel is resting comfortably now.  I will update when he is up again.

Gabriel eating, finally not crying!
Gabriel resting comfortably after getting some pain meds.

Surgery 2

It took over 20 minutes for the staff to get an IV in.  Once they had that in surgery went very well.  The IV is located in Gabriel's neck at this point in time but it is not a central line or anything.  Surgery went well.  Gabriel's adenoids were not as large as the doctor first suspected but his tonsils were much larger.  Either way they are out.  Ear tubes are in.  He said there was a little fluid but not too much at this time.  We will be heading back to be with Gabriel shortly.  Will update again when we have a chance.

Surgery 1

Gabriel is back in surgery now, well in holding according to the board but on his way to surgery.  Gabriel was in pretty good spirits this morning.  He had a blast playing with many of the toys in the toy room before there were a lot of other kids in there. 
Here are some pre-op pictures:
As I am finishing this up he is now in surgery.