I dont feel good but I still think I should have been allowed to go to daycare.
At least I made the most out of my day, sleeping, coughing until I throw up, baths and play.
I figured if I was miserable the cats might as well be too! First up is BigFoot, with 26 toes he is a complete sissy!
Neko (Japanese for Cat) was up next. Mommy found the banana for 75% off today.
Last but not least is Kitten. The costume is really for Grandma and Grandpa's dog Belle.
Mom also found us some dress up clothes on sale.
She told me I look like a drunk college student and that she isnt sure about allowing me to wear it again.
Did you see my dress up outfit mom found Bells?
Yup, I plan on stealing it!
Think I can steal your dress up outfit then sis?
I dont think it will fit. The skirt is short on me... your butt will hang out.
Ya, that might be a problem.
It would be funny to see though!
Good idea on buying the costumes for dress up clothes. I did this last year and will probably do it again in future years.