Do you have to tell my story Isabells?
As a matter of fact, YES I have to tell your story!
It all started this afternoon in a very tired house...
What does my story have to do with everyone being tired?
Be quiet and let me tell my story Gabriel!
Okay, so this afternoon in a quiet house... Continue Sis.
Grandpa, Grandma, Gabriel, Mom, Aunt Brett and I were all in the kitchen catching up on Grandma's steals this morning.
Grandma stole something?
Just be quiet Gabriel! So anyway, Grandma was telling everyone about what she got shopping through the night for Black Friday. Grandpa let out a very, very loud toot.
It sure was loud Sis.
GABRIEL, I am telling a story here. So back to my story, Grandpa lets out a loud toot. Gabriel walked up to Grandpa and grabbed his man parts through his pants.
Bells, I didnt know. I was just checking.
STOP interrupting me! I know you are embarrassed now that mom explained why you can't do it but stop butting into my story! So anyway, Gabriel grabbed Grandpa's parts and said "PEE PEE". Everyone got the funniest looks on their faces. Gabriel had no idea what he did.
When I make those noises my diaper is checked. They will grab the front of my diaper to see if I am dirty. I still do not see why my checking Grandpa's diaper is both embarrassing and funny. I now know that it is not my job to check other people's diapers. That is their mommy and daddy's job.
It really was funny Gabriel. I can't wait until you are senior in high school and Mom brings this blog post up for everyone to see. (I am very happy I was not the one to make THAT mistake...)
Hey, Bells. Thanks for not telling the "rest-of-the-story"...Gabriel found that Grampa did NOT need changing after all. grampsH