8:45am-9:30am - Meal 1
It's official...
You are never going to guess it!
11:45am-12:30pm - Meal 2
Open cup starts...
No silly not today,
12:00pm-2:00pm - Nap time
I'm too excited to sleep!
2:45pm-3:30pm - Meal 3
3:45pm - head home
Daddy fed me my dinner tonight. I love Elmo and Daddy time!
Well, Bro-Ther, I love bath time!
Bath time is fun Sis!
You know what I love even more Bro-Ther?
No, what Sis?
Teeff time!
Oh, I dont like teeff time Sis.
Remember I hate toothbrushes!
You like them now Bro-Ther!
SSSSHHHH don't tell Sis!
Mommy it wasn't that funny!
Dear readers of this blog, You tell me if you think this is funny... Mommy said "Remember, we don't poopy in the bathtub. Do we Bells?" I said "No mommy, we only peepee." I just don't see why that is funny, do you?
Mom's notes - When the kids asked for their toothbrushes tonight I went ahead and gave them each their brush. I expected Gabriel to give his brush to Bells or hide it. Before therapy he would try to get rid of the toothbrush as fast as possible if he would even touch it. Instead he brushed his teeth and instructed Isabella on how to brush her teeth.
Well, we have gone as far as we can with foods with out teaching Gabriel how to chew. The next few weeks we will work on getting Gabriel to drink out of the open cup without choking and/or spilling. We will also work on Gabriel's chewing skills. Right now he does not have the muscles in his jaw to be successful at chewing. This is much farther than I ever expected we would get. Gabriel is a rock star! He is showing everyone how strong he is day after day. Today he allowed me to brush his teeth at therapy for 15 seconds on top and 15 seconds on bottom. This is HUGE for us! I am such a proud momma right now!
Gabriel's accomplishments are incredible! He gives me so much hope for my girl.
ReplyDeleteHi Gabriel
ReplyDeleteMy name is Jenna and i came across your site. U are an amazing, precious gift, and a special earthly angel. U are an amazing, courageous, determined, positive and strong fighter. U are an inspiration, brave warrior, and a smilen champ. U are a super hero, a super trooper and a tough cookie. U are full of life, spunk, joy, smiles, happiness, laugh, love, and hugs. U will be in my in my thoughts and prayers. I am sending hugs and smiles ur way. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/champ291 I love it when people sign my guestbook.