8:30am - weigh in and measure
I weighed the same as I did Thursday last week. This is HUGE, I always lose weight less after I get sick.
8:45am-9:30am - Meal 1
Ah back to therapy...
They sure don't waste any time around here!
11:45am-12:30pm - Meal 2
Mom did too good of a job feeding me while I was sick. Therapy started right were they left off. They moved forward at each of my feedings.
Ms. Jess and Ms. Emily reduced the thickness of my drink a little bit and I tried new foods at every feeding.
12:00pm-2:00pm - Nap time
Nap time, I don't need no nap time!
Okay, I am tired but I am not going to take a nap!
2:45pm-3:30pm - Meal 3
Haha, I got my way, no nap! I am the winner!
3:45pm - head home
What did you do today Sis?
I played with my friends at School.
Did you hear that I did very good taking my bites and drinks today.
Ya, so what I eat my food and drink my drinks every day!
I'm just special sis!
Oh you are special alright, watch were you point that thing!
Speaking of special who tried to ride the dog this evening?
Hey, Baby wanted to go for a ride!
You know you love me Sis!
I love you but not that smell Bro-Ther!\
Mom's note - We got the okay to feed Gabriel pureed foods off his okayed food list. To get on the ok food list Gabriel has to take the food in two consecutive meal settings without resistance. So far Gabriel has yet to refuse any foods. So he is allowed to eat pureed beef stew, chicken and masked potatoes, french toast and sausage, sausage and biscuits, fruit cocktail, pears, carrots, peaches, green beans, sweet potatoes, yogurt, pudding, mac and cheese and grits! That is a pretty good list considering 17 treatment days ago he would only eat pudding and yogurt and that was spotty! We have some big plans for next week. We will not know how far Gabriel can go until we get there but the hope is to get Gabriel drinking nectar thick liquids from an open cup and eating gritty pureed foods. WOW, That is HUGE! I was so afraid we would lose ground while he was out sick. I am amazed and proud of my little man! Way to go Gabriel!
Puree tip of the day - Typical blenders can be adapted to make purees very easy. You can place a ball jar on the blade. Make sure the spacer is in place correctly put the blade in and puree away. Pictures of Green beans freshly pureed to prove it...
Go Gabriel! That sure is A LOT of food on your food list! What an amazing opportunity you have with that clinic your going to. :-)