8:45am-9:30am - Meal 1
I am an all star eater! However, I have decided that getting my teeth brushed will NOT be happening today.
11:00pm-11:30pm - Meeting with social worker
I'm going to hide in here while mom is in her meeting.
I wonder if she will ever find me.
Mom, I am right here!
11:45am-12:30pm - Meal 2
Still not letting Ms. Emily brush my teeth but I think my eating makes up for it.
12:00pm-2:00pm - Nap time
Why yes, I did sleep in my glove.
It is my favorite prize for eating. Mom always makes me take it off but I managed to sneak one in bed with me!
2:45pm-3:30pm - Meal 3
I'm too tired to eat!
Do I really have to eat?
Hum, how can I avoid eating this meal?
Mom, check to see if I am running a fever.
Or maybe I need to look in your nose to see if you are sick mom!
3:45pm - head home
Who me?
No, no, no, it wasn't me!
Who was it?
Isabella did it, Isabella took the couch apart!
I did NOT Bro-Ther!
Yes you did, just admit it!
Bro-Ther, come check this out!
Wow sis, it is the bestest tent ever!
I know, it has a Daddy inside.
What do you think Sis, dance party time?
You are not too tired, come on you know you want to dance party it up with me!
Okay, just for a minute Bro-Ther.
One more
Okay Bro-Ther, it is time for bed.
I'm not tired Sis.
Mom's Notes -Gabriel is eating amazingly. Today he ate more gritty foods. He ate Applesauce, peaches, green beans and carrots. Gritty is pretty different from smooth puree's. I am so excited! Gabriel has never tried gritty food before. I have tried to get him to eat applesauce a couple times, not realizing how different the texture is, only to have it thrown at me and on the floor. He is eating it just like he has been eating it every day. I am amazed! As you read in the blog Gabriel has decided to take steps backward on the tooth brushing. Even though it stinks is makes me see a glimpse of where we started. We have come so far! We will get teeth brushing back on board and continue to move forward.
Isabella and Gabriel are talking more and more every day. They have their language but they are also speaking more English. Isabella is so stinking smart. She is able to asks for what exactly she wants to eat and drink. She asked for 'please more apple juice please' and handed me her cup this evening. LOVE IT, way to go Sis!
Sissy is without a doubt a visual fact that God has a sense of humor: He could not have made a better match for Gabriel! She is "something else": grampsH says "good luck with that kid, Erin!" grampsH
ReplyDelete(and Gabriel-BRUSH YOUR TEETH!)