8:45am-9:30am - Meal 1
My pediasure was reduced in thickness. I tolerated it so well that mom is using the new thickness in my squeeze bottle this weekend!
11:45am-12:30pm - Meal 2
I am doing so well with my feedings that I will get to start training with an open cup on Monday and I will start some textured foods on Monday as well.
12:00pm-2:00pm - Nap time
Go ahead and make my day!
Wow, I had the craziest dream ever!
2:45pm-3:30pm - Meal 3
Therapy thought they things I am doing now would be the things we would be finishing the session with. We are not even half way in (20 days). I love showing off!
I am an all or nothing kind of kid. They expected nothing so I will show them all.
3:45pm - head home
Mrs. Beth and Kai came over to visit tonight.
Yup, and they brought presents!
It was nice to see Kai wasn't it Sis?
Ya, he is super cute!
And fun to play with!!!
Gabriel, I like our Christmas presents but do they have to zip so we can't unhook them?
I agree Sis, what was Mrs. Beth thinking?
I mean, it is not like we are always taking our diapers off and running around naked.
But we do that Sis.
You aren't suppose to admit to that Gabriel.
Oh, my bad, I mean we dont take out diaper off and run around naked...
Much better Gabriel...
Now get over here and help me learn out to get out of these!
Kai is such a cutie! And thank you Mrs Beth for those awesome PJ's! Erin probably was ready to get out the duct tape again and we don't want that. She has WAY TOO MUCH FUN with duct tape. (little known fact: She used to ask for "duct tape" for Christmas in High School! Is that sick or what?) grampsH