Yes, Sis.
So, when the calendar is on February it is my birthday again?
Yes, Sis.
So, I get birthday presents once a year?
Yes, Sis.
So, My birthday is coming up?
Yes, Sis.
So, you will be giving me more presents?
Yes, Sis.
So, my birthday is coming up and I will be getting more presents very soon?
Yes, Sis.
Wow, that's fun!
Um Sis, what was the whole point of that conversation?
I found that I like opening presents at Christmas and wanted to know when I get to open more.
I like opening presents too but you are weird Sis!
You are weird too Bro-Ther!
"MY birthday come-n-up!" Sis and Bro-Ther...boy did THAT one get me in trouble with gramma & Aunt Bretts' teacher. I always told Brett that so when the teacher said "When is your birthday" she said "MY birthday come-n-up!". WE were told "she does not know her B-Day" and good ol Gramps got the icy-stare from Gramma. I still get that stare...can't wait to see those pictures from yesterday on Jan 1 2013. See how much you have both grown! grampsH