8:45am-9:30am - Meal 1
Ms. Ashley was back in the room feeding me where she left off yesterday.
SIS CAME TO VISIT during my break today!
Gabriel you don't have to be so dramatic!
This is my home away from home Sis.
What can we play with Bro-Ther?
Lets leave the 'jungle' and go play in the hall, Sis.
ooo that sounds fun Bro-Ther,
Okay I will count... one, two, TREE
That was sure fun Bro-Ther!
Ya, this is my favorite place to take a moment away from feeding therapy!
11:45am-12:30pm - Meal 2
Therapy said Ms. Ashley looks like a natural. She is doing a very good job feeding me!
12:00pm-2:00pm - Nap time
I even rocked nap time today!
2:45pm-3:30pm - Meal 3
Ms. Ashley got the okay from therapy to feed me! She completely rocked!
3:45pm - head home
What sis?
Give me a big hug!
Um, EW, Sis!
But I love you brother!
No, Sis!
I'm Cute!
Sis, you are a mess!
A cute, lovely, little sister mess?
Um, really sis?
Bro-ther, give me that!
Now it is time for me to read.
Isabella, are you going to share the pictures with me?
Sis, I do love you and your silly backside!
Love you too Bro-Ther not so much your stinky backside!
Mom's notes -
Ms. Ashley from Loving Hearts, Little Hands childcare in Grand Haven did an amazing job learning how to feed Gabriel. You forget how many little things you have picked up in therapy though the years. It was interesting to watch someone who did not have all the background, learn how to feed Gabriel. I am so happy with how well things went. I know Gabriel is in amazing hands while he is at childcare!!!
Gabriel had a VERY 'wet' cough this morning. Therapy sped up the reading of Gabriel's swallow study. Ms. Kate has not had a chance to type up all of her findings yet but she did tell me what she saw. Gabriel is aspirating more than originally thought. He has the worst kind of aspiration, Silent. Gabriel does not cough, choke, make noises, or anything else when liquid enters his lungs. We will be having a meeting tomorrow to discuss what this means for Gabriel's drinking and feeding at this point. This too will be a blip in our radar down the road. I just want to make sure that we are keeping Mr. Gabriel safe.