Yuppers, Gabriel! boy was it ever nice outside!
Bells, Grandpa even came out to enjoy the day for little bit!
Grandpa even introduced me to Goatz, Gabriel. I love Goatz!
I can't believe mom got you a car too sis!
I know, even after she told me that we had to share because she was not going to even entertain the idea.
She did get an amazing deal on it Sis.
I bet she did...
Sis, Toys-R-Us had it on sale for $59.99.
Gabriel, we both know that is too expensive for mom still!
Yuppers, she got a packet of coupons from toys-r-us because she signed up for their reward card and emails online.
So what Gabriel.
In that packet there was a $30 off any Power Wheels product.
So you mean to tell me that mom managed to score me a ride for only $29.99?
Dang, way to go mom!!!
Hey lets go visit that Goatz thing you like so much, it is to big to be a kitty. I only like kittys
It is kind of big, huh Gabriel?
and scary!
Goatz and I are friends!
You be friends, I will be over here!
Kisses Mr. Goatz (what? I have been kissing dogs all day, kissing a goatz is no big deal).
Here Fishy Fishy, I want to give you a kiss too!
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Bells says "Go - TT"
ReplyDeleteMr Goatly obviously likes Bells. Even after Meesha wiped her mouth clean! grampsH
What a great day!!!!!!