Do you think they got any better between last week and today Gabriel?
Who cares Isabella, we are not Walmart viking fans.
Gabriel, we haven't even ever been in Minnesota.
Well, I am going to watch with my eyes closed and hope they win Isabella.
I'm going to watch with my eyes closed because I am tired!
So did they win Gabriel?
By your face I can see that they did not win.
What were you saying about not being a Walmart fan?
So are we going to dress up next week?
Of course we are going to dress up Isabella!!!
Why wouldn't we dress up?
They might win, and if they dont, I will have my bag ready!
"I have something to share with everybody before you introduce the next product Isabella."
"and what is that?"
"I want everyone to see how full of drama you are and how nice I am"
"Serious Gabriel"
"Yuppers, let the film roll..."
Wow, that video would have been best never played Gabriel!
On to my favorite part of the night... SHOPPING.
Don't DIS my ABILITY!!!
There is a facebook group called 'Don't DIS my ABILITY'. They are currently taking orders for these amazing shirts. If you would like to be added the the group please send mommy an email (link on right hand side of this blog) because the group is a closed group. She will add you to the group so you can order. Shirts come in 12m-5t and adult xs-3X.
Who doesn't want a Don't DIS my ABILITY shirt?!?!
Mom needs to order me a bigger one!
Gabriel still fits his little shirt for the most part.
The kid is such a showoff!
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