And we can be each others worst enemy's too sis!
But we are mostly best friends huh Gabriel?
Yuppers Sis!
We share lots of secrets!
We even speak and sign our own language huh sis?
Yuppers, I like it when only we know what we are saying.
I agree Isabella, we get away with SO much more when we work together!
I love you Gabriel!
I love you Isabella!
Discount School Supply
Mommy really likes this school supply store. She has found MANY things therapy brought over for me on this website for reasonable prices. I like to look at the magazine and see all of the cool new toys. Mom said I have to remind you to sign up for emails so you get coupons. Here are a few feeding therapy things mom has gotten for me over the years (hehe that saying made me sound older than my three years). Click here to go to Discount School Supply's website.
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