On the way to Gabriel's feeding evaluation I got a call from the pediatric ENT's office. They got us in Friday at 2. Yes, that is tomorrow. That is darn good turnover! WOW!!!!
Feeding evaluation - results, Gabriel does not eat...
Gabriel's appointment was SO long and so full of information I am having trouble sorting it all out to put on here.
Many things are on hold until after Gabriel has his tonsils and adenoids out. We are hoping that having that obstruction out just maybe Gabriel will begin to eat. Once Gabriel is well after his surgery he will have a upper GI test to see if he is having a problem with reflux. They would also like to do a gastric emptying test. They are wondering if Gabriel's insides are not processing his food correctly or in a timely manner.
In the mean time Gabriel is being signed up for the Kid at Heart program. Through this program a therapist actually comes to the house to work on feeding therapy. The waiting list is currently at a year so we need to sign up now so that we can get the assistance ASAP. If we happen to not need it that is fine but at least we can get on the list.
Gabriel is to start intensive feeding outpatient therapy in Grand Rapids once a week. Gabe and I are going to have to work out quite the schedule to accomplish this. If Gabriel does not improve at a reasonable rate he will quickly be placed on Intensive Inpatient feeding therapy. This means that for three weeks we will basically live at the clinic all day and take every feeding at the clinic with therapist then go home at night.
In three months we will have another evaluation to see where we are and go from there.
I am not sure if any of this make sense. I am exhausted, it is hard to get a two year old who hates to eat to try to eat over and over again. We all got to see Gabriel's temper today. He just wanted to play with the other kids and not have food shoved down his throat.
Gabriel, happy today is over, ready for another doctor apt. tomorrow...
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ReplyDeleteNot to overwhelm you right before surgery, but since Gabriel is "going under" anesthesia tomorrow, isn't there some sort of biopsy they can do to check for reflux damage? Did you see a GI doc today at the feeding clinic? If so, did you happen to mention that Gabriel is having surgery tomorrow? Sometimes you can get a two-for-one in the OR. It would be worth a call to GI, even tonight if you can get through to whomever is "on service."
he wont be having surgery tomorrow. tomorrow is to meet this new ENT and schedule surgery. I will call tomorrow and ask if they can check while he is under. He is already getting tubes at the same time. Might as well add something else to try to prevent being under more.
ReplyDeleteWow, that is a lot to take in. I have enjoyed reading your updates every day. I'm praying that the doctors will figure out what's going on with Gabriel very quickly.
ReplyDeleteLots of prayers to get through this tough time. I cannot imagine the energy going in to this!
ReplyDeleteThat is very kind of you to offer help with Cal's heart surgery. Do you have a way to contact you about questions? i am curious what you wish you would have known ahead of time, how long was Gabriel in the hospital, and I'm sure much more...Thanks again!