Last week Gabriel visited the eye doctor. His eyes are doing amazing. The surgery really helped him! His eyes only cross when he is making silly faces where he is crossing them on purpose. No eye glasses for at least 6 more months!
Today Gabe took Gabriel to another specialist.... lets go back so you can understand this whole fiasco.
In May Gabriel had a cardiologist appointment. Our cardiologist found that Gabriel had higher than normal pressure in his lungs. Upon questioning we believed that we had found the cause for the pressure issues. Gabriel most likely had sleep apnea.
I scheduled an appointment with the ENT. We were able to get into the ENT early in June. The ENT informed us that the only place around here that does sleep studies on children is Devos Children's Hospital. He told us he did not believe Gabriel has sleep apnea but the only way to tell was to do a sleep study, were we really sure we wanted a sleep study. He also informed us that he is not able to schedule a child's sleep study he needed to send us to another specialist.
The rest of the summer went by and I called the ENT's office at least once a week to see when we would be seeing the specialist. I was hoping that if Gabriel did have to have his tonsils and adenoids out it could be done while I was off work. Finally at the end of the summer we got a call. Gabriel's appointment would be August 30th (yup, my first day back to work).
We were never told what kind of specialist we were seeing. The office he was working out of was a child allergist office, weird. He laid Gabriel back on the examining table and checked down his throat. He was surprised nobody had requested a sleep study before this point. Needless to say Gabe and Gabriel spent that night at the hospital for a sleep study. Yup, the doctor got Gabriel in that same night.
We received a call a couple weeks later from a lady who read Gabriel's sleep study. Gabriel hyporventilates when he is sleeping. She informed us that he needs surgery to remove his tonsils and adenoids and she would fax our pediatrician and the specialist her findings.
Today Gabriel had an appointment with the specialist. Gabe drove all the way to Grand Rapids to be told that they could not find Gabriel's paperwork and that we need to contact an ENT doctor to do Gabriel's surgery. I did find out that this specialist is a respiratory specialist.
I called our pediatricians office to see if they had the paperwork from Gabriel's sleep study. They have not received it still. So as of right now the paperwork is completely missing. I am hoping it is found so that we do not have to redo the sleep study. The first sleep study was NOT fun. GRR, we are six months into this and keep getting passed around from doctor to doctor. I asked for a referral to a different ENT. With Gabriel needing surgery I am not feeling very confident in his current ENT.
My goal for tomorrow is to hear back from the pediatricians office about the paperwork and a different ENT. I will schedule a ENT appointment with the new doctor as soon as we can get in. I really hope the paperwork is found so that we do not have to repeat the sleep study! I am tired of the run around on this whole sleep apnea thing. I just want what is best for Gabriel and being able to breath is pretty important (go figure).
Now to my amazing little man
Product of the day BUMBO!!!!
We sure love Bumbo around our house! Both kids fight over who gets to sit in the Bumbo.
Gabriel won in this picture!
Wow...what a run-around. Ya...I wouldn't be having a whole lot of confidence it that doctor. Hope it all works out. Gabriel is such a cutie!