Gabriel has a big ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) appointment tomorrow. We are meeting a new ENT after the whole fiasco with the last ENT. Hopefully we will finally be able to schedule his tonsil and adenoid removal surgery. I can't wait for him to get some sound sleep!
Bells sleeping with her eyes open to make sure her brother isn't going to attack her.
This is quite the position. I can honestly tell you there is no way I could sleep like this! Yes, he has figured out how to do zippers. The other day Gabe went in to get him out of bed and he was naked dancing around.
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I'm wondering if the adenoid surgery will also help his eating at all. I know a Mommy who says it helped her son a lot in transitioning to table foods. Sunny doesn't seem to have any problem to warrant that kind of surgery, but she certainly has trouble in the food area.