Well, as other mothers who are doing 31 for 21 are tiring out we are warming up I guess. I started with a lot of pictures and as we have gotten late into October I have had a lot more to say.
We met the ENT who will be doing Gabriel's tonsil and adenoid surgery. He is going to do an amazing job!
Gabe had both kids by himself in the waiting room until I was able to get to the appointment from work. Due to them working us in today, we had a hour wait. When I got there both kids were running in opposite directions. I had to laugh when I saw the complete relief on Gabe's face.
They went ahead and did a hearing test on Gabriel. He DOES have some hearing loss in his right ear. This is not what we were told by our first ENT. We were told he could hear just fine out of his right ear but his left ear had some hearing loss. We will meet back up with our ENT sometime after surgery to discuss what future plans are.
On this note we will be doing tubes in both ears when he is under for tonsil and adenoid removal. This will help relieve some pressure that he has in both ears. And get the excess liquid out from the left ear.
We have a date for surgery. Gabriel will be having his tonsils and adenoids removed as well as tubes put in his ears on Monday, December 27th. Currently he is the youngest surgery scheduled so his surgery will be at 7:30am, if someone younger is scheduled he will be moved later. This is a great date due to the fact that I will still be off work for Christmas break that week.
Gabriel will be admitted to the hospital after surgery. He will be able to go home when he is able to continuously consume enough liquid on a regular basis so he will not become dehydrated.
A quiet evening with Grandma and Grandpa. We are excited to not have any doctor appointments for a couple days.

Product of the day -
Snoedel - Snoedel's are amazing. For every Snoedel purchased, Saving Little Hearts and Snoedel donate one to a child in the hospital for OHS (open heart surgery). When gabriel had heart surgery
Saving Little Hearts sent us a care package to his room. It was wonderful of them to do that, it happened to come on a day where we needed some cheering up.