Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Down syndrome awareness month

Phia, October is Down Syndrome Awareness month.
At least we look good for it Isabella!
Yes, yes we do Phia.
Mom's notes- In honor is Down Syndrome Awareness Month I am going to write a little blurb about our journey each evening after the kids post.

A person does not need words to get their point across. Those of you who have been following our lives for a while know that until recently Gabriel rarely spoke real words. Six months ago we understood what Gabriel wanted most of the time even though he was without words. Words are an amazing tool but not the only form of communication. Gabriel still struggles to find words he needs when he is emotion filled or hurting. He goes back to his nonverbal communication on a regular basis at this point in time. 

1 comment:

  1. But the best part is that Bells understands every word that Gabers mumbles, speaks, or "says". How does that happen? grampsH
