Lets work together and make a bigger mess in less time Gabers.
Great Idea Sis!
While we are at it, let's see how naughty we can get.
What are you going to do Sis.
Raid the fridge, I am going to see how much destruction we can cause in a short period of time.
Anything good in there?
I saw you got a new supply of antibiotic, we both know I love that!
That's nasty Sis.
No it tastes pretty yummy.
Well, at least we are causing trouble while we can!
Mom's notes - Happy Heart day Naughty Boy (02-06-09)
Happy Heart Day, Gabriel! I was thinking about you all day. You have come soooo far from that day 4 yrs ago, Little Buddy! Love you (and that Ms Destructo sister of yours!) grampsH