I got dressed in my special birthday outfit and went back to sleep.
I slept most of the afternoon.
I know it is my birthday but I just don't feel good.
I took a nap today too Sis.
When I woke up from nap I felt a little better.
Mom asked if I wanted to go with her to pick up my cake.
I said of course.
I smiled my first smile in two days.
When I got back I got to open presents!
Keep your eyes closed Sis!
MINNIE, how did you know I love Minnie!!!!
Sis, everyone who knows you knows you love Minnie.
Look Gabers, Minnie for me Mickey for you.
Mom's notes - Happy Birthday Princess Bella! Isabella started to show some spunk tonight. She was not excited about her scooter, watch:
That was a beautiful dance. So sweet.