Monday, May 7, 2012


Sis, I have a story for you!

I'm busy Bro-Ther!
Listen then!

Music to my ears Bro-Ther!
Ya mine too, Mom and Dad call it annoying.
If they think that is annoying check this out!

Did you really fake like you were going to use the potty, cheer for yourself and then poo in the bathtub during our bath right afterward?
Mom's notes -
  Seriously?!?!?!? Speechless!

1 comment:

  1. (Bella: do not dispair. That is the ADD on your "Hubert" side shining thru. Your grampa has the same problem only it is sit on the potty then crap his pants. We both know what has to get done-it is the "order" that is the problem. We just like to shuffle the deck a little bit. Embrace "change", Mommy. Same-O-Same-O is boring! grampsH.)
    PS: Gabriel sure is talking lately. He is telling us something. Just wish I knew Gabriel-speak to know what it is!
