So mom called the doctor while I was at school this morning.

So what Bro-Ther?

She set up an appointment to have my ears checked out. I have been pulling on them the last few days.

I have cool sunglasses.

Sis, are you listening to my day?

What Bro-Ther?

I fed myself some of my dinner tonight Sis.

Good job Bro-Ther.

Thanks Sis!

Bro-Ther, why did you have to go to the doctor to doctor today?

I was trying to tell you Sis.

Nice Hat, Bro-Ther.

Sis, can we stay on one topic for a moment?

Sure, what topic?

Hand, Foot and Mouth disease.


Yup, you are going to get it!

How do you know?

Because I have it.


Mom's notes - Yup, if it is out there Gabriel will catch it. I called the pediatrician first thing this morning knowing Gabriel was fighting an ear infection. When I picked him up from daycare he was fine and by the time we made it to the doctor he had 'THE RASH'. I am pretty sure Isabella will catch it because what would we do if she didn't. A new chapter in the Purdy book. Please Gabriel keep your temperature down, mommy HAS to go to work the next two weeks!!!
Why YES I did put Isabella in her clothes for tomorrow after her bath tonight. She has been a bear to wake up and it is so much easier to change a diaper and put her in her car seat than to completely dress her when she is trashing around begging to go back to bed. (She takes after her mother, if only I could get away with sleeping in my clothes so that I could sleep a few extra minutes...)