Mom put me down for a nap today...

And then the magic happened!

The cats knocked a plant off the table and woke me up shortly after I went to sleep...

I cried and carried on...



Pure magic.

Mom let me get out of bed...

and she was playing music video's.

I now have a new hero!

More mom!

Anybody who can dance like that...

AND in their diapers...



Wiggle, Wiggle...

Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle...


Yup, you heard me, Wiggle!

Do the wiggle, yeah!

Come on Sis!

What the heck are you doing Bro-Ther?
Sis, I am Wiggling!

Mom, Elmo is cool!

Sis, check out my moves!
If those weren't good enough for you, check these out!
All right, all right, I give... one more.
In case you missed it,

Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle,
Dang tape!

Mom's notes.
Oh yes, you do see that I put awesome duct tape on for the occasion!