It was a lot of fun Gabriel!
Santa came back to get us out of bed.
Not my most favorite part of the day Gabriel!
Oh suck it up Isabella! Santa was super awesome!
Lets agree to disagree on that Gabriel!
And then we got to open our presents with Mom and Dad.
It was so much fun!
I got Mr. Potato head Toy Story!!!
What I cant hear you!
Let me see Sis!
They are pretty cool huh? Do I look ready to go to the range?
Hold still, let me draw you!
My turn Gabriel!
We went to Mimi and Papa's this afternoon!
Mimi and Papa were as good to us as Grandma and Grandpa!
Mommy got an Ipad from Mimi, Papa and Daddy... it will be all mine just wait Isabella!
Who cares Gabriel!
I do, I love electronics and an Ipad is going to be amazing!
Gabriel, did you see what daddy got at Mimi and Papa's?
This Isabella?
Yup that.
It's my size!
I like the picture of you with Daddy and Papa!
This one?
Something like that Gabriel.
I love all of my presents!
I love all my presents and yours!
We are truly blessed! Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas!!!