I got a new chair today at therapy. They keep trying to make me keep my feet down during feeding. Mrs. Kate said that I am going to be the first student to use my feet to block food if they don't figure something out quickly!
8:45am-9:30am - Meal 1

Today I was introduced to many new foods. I had sausage and french toast puree! I have never tried anything like this before. I actually liked it! Don't tell mom and dad, they dont know what I am doing in therapy, they sit in the great room while I am back working hard!

I also had my teeth brushed for 10 whole seconds on top and 10 whole seconds on bottom this feeding.

In addition to my sausage and french toast puree, I also ate: Yogurt, pear puree and fruit cocktail puree.

OOO and a wash cloth.

Ms. Jess is no fun sometimes, she told me I couldn't eat wash cloth...

She gave me my drink instead

and made me drink that, dang!

Between our first and second feedings we all tend to get a bit antsy!

We are up to six amazingly strong kids and their fun parents in a very small space

We learned the way to the "track" where we can have some space to move!

There is even a piano up there!

I love playing the piano, it sure helps pass the time!
11:45am-12:30pm - Meal 2
Here we go again... I had to let Ms. Jess brush my teeth for a full 15 seconds on top and 15 seconds on bottom this feeding.

I ate more sausage and french toast puree, pear puree and fruit cocktail puree. I also got pudding this meal with my drink.

12:00pm-2:00pm - Nap time
I am eating so good. I think I should be able to skip my nap!

Maybe I can do yoga instead!

Dang mom wins again...

She is good at making me sleep, I don't know how she does it. I try very hard to stay awake.

2:45pm-3:30pm - Meal 3
So... I got some news today. My bottle days at home are numbered. I am not sure if that is a good idea, I love my bottle!

Mom and dad will be trained by next friday in how to use the bottle to give me drinks and then my beloved bottles are gone...

Oh ya, I did very well this feeding too. I worked on how to chew in my stretches.
3:45pm - head home
So Gabriel, I hear you are losing your bottle by next weekend?

Mom and dad are sadly mistaking if they think it will be easy on them! I am not losing my bottle without a fight, Sis.

We will see Bro-Ther, Mom and Dad tend to win!

*Mom's note - You read correctly, we are working very hard to have Gabriel completely off the bottle by next weekend. He is responding to therapy very well right now! I am so excited to learn how to get him to drink without using the bottle! We have several things going on right now. I will try hard to break them down so that it is easier to understand. We have had such a week of great leaps I bet it is hard to keep up.
If you will think back to day one and our three main goals for this program.
3. We want Gabriel to be off the bottle. Gabriel is currently completely off the bottle at therapy and will be off it by next weekend at home. He will be using a 'squirt bottle' where we have to squirt the liquid into his mouth for each drink. The liquid he is currently drinking is honey thick pediasure. (basically pediasure thickened to the consistency of yogurt) Once Gabriel is drinking from the squirt bottle at all times therapy will reduce the thickness of his drink as well as add different drinks into his diet. Once they are sure he is safe (not aspirating) we will be taught how to do this at home. The goal is to get Gabriel to drink his drinks from an open cup before he graduates therapy.
2. We want to be able to brush Gabriel's teeth. Keep your eyes on this kid! He is allowing his therapists to use the finger brush. We will eventually get Gabriel to tolerate two minutes (not sure if that is total or not) of brushing with a real toothbrush by graduation. We are on our way. Can't wait to see the continued progress!
1. We want Gabriel to eat. We would like to work him off pediasure. Gabriel is trying everything therapy is throwing his way. I can't wait to see what the future brings with his eating! The more calories he takes in from his food the more likely we are to get him off pediasure.
The whole team is very excited with Gabriel's progress, he still has his moments but who doesn't. The interventions they are putting in place are working for him! We are only three weeks in and we are seeing major progress. We will have bumps in the road but we will continue to walk just like everyone else, one step at a time!