Sunday, September 29, 2013

Busy busy

Is the swing set done yet Gabers?
No, Papa and Daddy are working hard to finish it.
Well, I am going to play on this while we wait .
That's not how you are suppose to play on that thing Sis.
So, that is not something you are dupose to be hanging from.
Ya but it is so fun!
Look Gabers , it is finally finished...
Haha, daddy and Papa finished and made you two go inside!
Phia, what do you think of these shoes?
I think they are too big.
Phia, I could spend all day in the shoe section of Target!
Run while she is busy!

1 comment:

  1. yeah, Phi: make like a tree and LEAVE QUICKLY. Maybe if you escape the Things, there is still hope!
    You are still cute and cuddly-and those 2 are just plain T(rouble). grampsH
