Monday, April 29, 2013

new lessons

Sis, Phia is home!
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I know, it is so cool!
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Did you see how she eats Sis?
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She eats from boo-boos.
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I was going to test it out but Mom said I am not allowed to because I am too big.
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We ate from boo-boos when we were little.
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I tried to feed Phia from my boo-boos but she refused to get near them.
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Think she will eat from mine Gabers?
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I don't know, it's worth a try Sis.
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I am going to test out her seat for her to make sure it is safe Gabers.
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I am going to hold her hand always to make sure she is safe Sis.
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Good idea Gabers, I will help you keep her safe!
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Mom's notes - Still working on teaching the kids that Sophia is the only Purdy child who eats out of the boo-boo's and that the only boo-boos that do feeding around this house are Mom's.
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  1. Adorable! At least they're trying to help ;)

  2. So funny yet so precious!!!! They are soooo gentle with her! Well done, Purdy clan!!!

  3. Looks like Bella is adjusting well to the fact Phia isn't a puppy. Absolutely love the beautiful pictures especially Gabers holding Phia's hand. Can't wait to meet Phia! Glad you will have a lengthy time together to bond. Love you all Great Aunt Bud

  4. The look in Bells and Gabers eyes do not need words. Their eyes tell it all!
    Welcome Home Phia! Now bark like a dog and all will be GREAT (at least for Bells) grampsH
