Saturday, March 24, 2012


Gabriel and Isabella go to the best child care facility EVER!
Not only does Loving Hearts Little Hands accept Gabriel...
Not only does Loving Hearts Little Hands Include Gabriel...
They CELEBRATE Gabriel...
and teach all of their kids about what makes Gabriel so special!
Loving Hearts Little Hands posted a sign asking the children to wear Blue and Yellow in celebration of World Down Syndrome Day on 3/21.  They had almost 100% participation.  How amazing is that!  These children will grow up and go out into the world with knowledge of Down syndrome.  They will educate others and pay it forward one person at a time!

What I missed a spot?
How could I let that happen?
Bro-Ther wake up and help me with this!
BRO-THER how can I clean up if you don't tell me what spots I missed?
Bro-Ther, how can you sleep at a moment like this?
I am going to throw food at you if you don't wake up!
Sleeping with your eyes open doesn't count as getting up Bro-ther!
I can still hear you snoring!
Wow, I am tired, Sis!
I would never have guessed Bro-Ther!

Mom's Notes -
   Today was an extremely long day.  I am still in a lot of pain from the accident.  I had my recheck with the doctor today.  I asked him for a note to go back to work on Monday and he actually laughed at me.  He asked if i had seen the shape my car is in.  Come to find out he had seen the picture on the internet and was not about to let me go back to work.  In his words, "You will be lucky if you get to go back to work the week after your spring break".  Spring break is in two weeks.  I have a recheck with him on Wednesday of spring break to discuss my going back to work.
  Gabriel also had a pulmonologist appointment this afternoon.  It really stinks not being able to drive.  Luckily my mom was in town and able to drive us to our appointments.  As said before Gabriel is still hypo-ventilating and still has sleep apnea when he is sleeping.  The next step is to have him wear a CPAP while sleeping.  This is not something that will work at this point.  After watching Gabriel's reaction to anything on his face at the sleep study I am sure this will not work.  We are going to put off the CPAP as long as possible.  We will confer with the allergist, ENT and cardiologist to see if we can get everyone together to discuss a plan of action.  The reality is sinus infections = harder time breathing. Sleep apnea (hard time breathing) = higher lung pressure which puts strain on the heart.  We will see what the future brings.  If it is a CPAP machine, we will have some pretty interesting blogs!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my little Buddy. We have come so far and yet so far to go. I guess sleeping with his head on the kitchen table (fortunately not IN the food) is not a position he should always sleep?
    Good to see Bells still has the ability to absorb food thru her skin. grampsH
