On my way to the first appointment of the day.

Infectious Disease can be found in the dark!

What's wrong with the dark?

That was an interesting appointment. The guy talked a lot, all I heard was blood results. EW!

Well it's going to be a minute before my next appointment and they aren't taking blood until after that so I better get my beauty sleep in.

Do I look prettier now?

Um, I think I will skip the allergy appointment mom!

Okay, I am done!

Finally done!

Wow, I think I will rest now. That did not feel so good!

Now off to give blood.

Finally on our way home, what a day!

Awe, Sis even made me a present on mom's computer screen. Now that is love!

Mom's notes:
Why yes, Isabella did draw all over my computer screen, and the table, and the floor, and the wall, and Gabriel, and her. Boy, what a great present!
We had a great day of appointments today. Great as in a lot and great as in good.
Infectious disease - It does not appear that Gabriel has a compromised immune system. It looks more like he has a combination of things going on that have to do with Gabriel's anatomy. He did have a lot of blood drawn to make sure Gabriel's immune system is working properly and that there is not any hidden issues. They will call with blood work results in about a week. Revisit in four months.
Allergy - Allergy testing stinks! Gabriel handled it like a champ. Gabriel is not allergic to any foods or any environmental factors that were tested. Gabriel is
NOT allergic to CATS, bonus! (Yup, that was my fear.) Again this points to Gabriel's issues point to his anatomy. We learned several tricks to help Gabriel's cheeks. I am looking forward to trying them because his cheeks are again really red and raw. Revisit with Allergy at age 5.
Blood draw - Went very well with no tears. Gabriel has become a champ at blood draws! He blows on the needle to try to ease the pain but doesn't move, cry or whimper. He tells everyone that it is 'ouch' but doesn't do anything about it. Yup my little man is stronger than most adults!
Over all - I know we did not get any real answers about Gabriel's sinus's but we did get many answers about other things. So overall I have to call today a GREAT day. I am excited to know that Gabriel does not have any allergies that were tested. If we find that he is having issues with anything else we are more than welcome to take him in for more testing.