Sleep study, more like Elmo study!
Come on and work before mom sees me with you!
Ah Elmo!
This isn't how I remember my sleep study from two years ago...
ICK, This is more like what I remember...
I was resting just fine before they had to come in and put all of this stuff all over me!
Thank goodness for Elmo!
This isn't as bad as last time. The nose thing that also goes in the mouth was the WORST!
....And then they came in and put that stupid nose thing on me...
Lets go home, NOW!
I require more than one hour of sleep a night!
Mom's notes - Gabriel had a rough night. I hope he slept enough for them to get some results. His skin is so fragile that when they took the stickers off they tore his skin off. His poor face was bleeding all over the place. It has been a long two days between Bells surgery and Gabriel's sleep study. I need a REST! Isabella is doing GREAT after surgery. The doctor cleaned the out infection she still had and drained her ears. She is feeling better than she has in months. Good, just in time for me to go back to work!
Poor Little guy. Gramps knows how sleep studies are, little boy, although they did not rip half my face off with the stickers. Sleep well tonight, my little Man. GrampsH