Friday, March 18, 2011


Last night while making sure Gabriel was good for a moment in his crib he handed me his bottle and signed more while saying "more".  This is the first time Gabriel has ever said anything with meaning.  He says mamama and dadada all of the time but has no idea that we are mama and dada.  Poor kid must have though I was crazy: there I stood in front of his crib crying as he kept signing and saying "more".
Today he added a word.  I was telling him to put his magnetic letters on the fridge.  (He just got done throwing them all over the floor).  He said "On on on".  I called Gabe to get the camcorder.  Due to technical dificulties we were unable to catch that on recording.  Tomorrow we will try again!!!
I did manage to catch him on camcorder saying more.  He wanted me to turn Elmo back on enough that he said more for me even though he was grouchy and tired!