Christmas pictures will be taken this week. Cards will go out when Gabriel is out of the hospital. (They will be new year cards.) Everyone should receive them before Isabella's birthday in February ;). If you would like to receive a Christmas card please feel free to send me your address just don't get upset when they are not there in a timely fashion ;).
I tried to get the kids to sit nicely together for some funny matching Pj pictures. Thank you Mimi and Papa for picking up Pj's last year at the after Christmas sales! Here is my attempt to get the kids to sit still for five seconds. Needless to say Gabe laughed the whole time and was not a lot of help...
Okay everybody look at the camera
Isabella don't lay across your brother.
everybody smile
oh my not so big
look at mommy
dont jump off the couch
okay I give up, pet the cat
Do you have to carry all of that at once so your sister can't touch it?
Be careful
What the heck are you doing?
and honor of the Minnesota Vikings - Good luck in the cold tonight boys!
too are not alone...we have no picture or card yet least you have a plan in