Gabriel has a problem with hypoventilation when he is sleeping. Here is American Sleep Association's definition of what hypoventilation is:
Hypoventilation is a medical term expressing an insufficient exchange of gases. This leads to increased levels of carbon dioxide in the blood, and is especially dangerous when present in those with sleep apnea. A person will naturally adjust to the hypoventilation while awake, taking deeper and/or longer breaths as needed. During episodes of apnea though, where the body forcibly slows or shuts down breathing entirely in spurts, this can lead to dangerously high levels of carbon dioxide in the blood.
Common symptoms of hypoventilation will include headaches, heart problems, stomach problems and faintness. It may also lead to poor sleep due to common awakenings, and daytime sleepiness as a result.
Basically, Gabriel does not get all of the carbon dioxide out of his lungs before taking in a new breath while he is sleeping.
Isabella had her seven month check up this week. She is a whopping 17lbs and 7oz and 27 inches tall. She couldn't army crawl around the office like any normal child her age. She had to stand up for 30 seconds before gently sitting back down. Our pediatrician is shocked at how far ahead she is. He didn't see half of what she is capable of! Shots make Isabella sleep in CRAZY positions!
Isabella decided to hold my hands today and walk around the room over and over again. Gabriel decided to join in making us a train. So we chugga chugga choo chooed around the room over and over and over and over again. Thanks Daddy for taking pictures of our train!
Good night! Buddy Walk of West Michigan tomorrow! Hope to see you there!!!!!
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