My poor little monkey could not get comfortable today. He did not want to be held and he did not want to be put down. He may not be feeling well but we are all happy to be home where he can run around and play with his toys.
Grandma was going to bring Bells up today but I called her and asked if she would let Bells stay with her one more night. We miss Isabella greatly but know that Gabriel will try to do too much if she is home and will end up hurting more. We can't wait to see Isabella tomorrow!!!
A nice warm bath worked wonders for Gabriel. I held him down and gave him his medication before his bath. He was all worked up and I wasn't sure if he would be able to enjoy his bath...

After his bath Gabriel was a bit more mellow. He stayed awake another half hour and then crashed on my lap. I know he will be up through the night, who needs sleep anyway?

Gabriel is looking more and more like a little man each day. His new haircut helps! (daddy saw the hair bow pic from Christmas day and finally decided a haircut needed to happen.)

I held our Gerber party over a month ago and wanted to share the grab bag each guest got thanks to Gerber. I completely forgot to post this picture when we had the party.

My little man who hates to sleep with blankets loves his blanket from the hospital. Sleep well monkey!