Me too Sis, this morning was so much fun!

We got to hang out with special people this morning.

Ya, we got our picture taken and video taped at the SAME TIME.

We are going to be on the TV!

We are going to be famous!

Calm down you two!

Mom's notes -
Let me break things down a little bit. It appears the kids are too excited to slow down. We met a beautiful woman named Christine late last fall. Christine put out a request for models with different abilities so she could get her accreditation through
Special Kids Photography of America. Always up for an opportunity to meet people who love others with different abilities I gladly signed Thing 1 up.
When we got to the shooting location I had both Things with me. Christine had amazing skills with the kids and allowed them to be their crazy selves. She followed them around and gave them small tasks to help set up shots. When we finished I wondered if she had any good shots because the Things did not hold back. I knew she at least got a good workout for the day.
A few weeks later I got a call to come to a viewing. I was not sure what to expect. Was I ever amazed. She had some of the most beautiful photos on display in her studio. I was hopeful that maybe she got at least one good shot of each kid. She began our photo DVD and oh my goodness. I am not much of a crier but I was so overwhelmed by the quality of the pictures I was balling by the end of the DVD.
Christine was able to capture Gabriel how I see him, not how society sees him.
I wanted one hundred copies of every single photo. I was able to narrow my choices down but it was SO hard. I can only imagine trying to pick pictures after a wedding shoot by Christine. I have been asked why I don't take pictures professionally after some others have seen my blog. Amazing people like Christine are why. My eye is not even close to Christine's. I happen to be lucky with pictures once in a while but Christine has TALENT!
Christine and I have continued to stay in touch. She got her accreditation, I am so happy for her!
Christine got a call to take part in a WZZM 13 segment about photography and children with special needs. She asked us to be some of her models for the segment.
I can't wait for the segment to air, the kids are going to be so excited to see themselves.
If you are in need of a photographer in the Grand Rapids area please see Christine's facebook page (
click here) and website (
click here). You may see pictures of an amazing little man named Gabriel on them. If you do contact Christine please let her know Gabriel sent you her way. She loves to meet Gabriel's friends!
I hope to post a link to the segment when it comes out.